Let's start with your E-commerce Journey - Step by Step Guide

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Cheap2 Ecom

Prepare your mind and get clarity on understanding e-commerce

  • E-commerce business is no different from setting up a retail shop.
  • It required every preparation work from product creation, material sourcing, store design, payroll, logistics services fulfillment, advertising, promotion, or even and clean up of the data.
  • Although through digitalization, many of the tasks can be performed via AI-driven solutions. The bottom line is your customer will always be the warm body in front of the screen that repeatedly acquires the information they need by comparing another company website that has more clarity.
  • The transparency of the work gave the most advantages to the business and consumer to build trust and reputation towards company branding.
  • Different from the past, the website is no longer just a catalog about products and services. Instead, is it a direct channel to connect your business to your potential leads. You need to understand the entire customer journey and plan it “virtually” to complete the entire transaction in order to convert your leads became the buying customer (B2C).

Understand your target market – in precise your audience

  • The pandemic shifts the paradigm of e-commerce today and focuses on audience-centric marketing. The interest of Consumers is significantly dropped toward bigger brand compare to the product that better meet the requirements.
  • Having precise customer personas, shorten your time and effort for the marketing. Instead of pushing a product your want to sell, the consumer will get the product from you that they want/need to buy. 
  • You might ask a question, “how they know what to buy without your explanation?”. The answer was, “Yes, they don’t” they will get the “hint” on your website and go to the search engine and search for those providing them the clarity and likely to buy from them.
  • The more precise your target market is the more free traffic and sales you can get.
  • “What if I don’t know” what is my target market?. In the next few point, I will explain how to get it clear.

Cheap2 Business Goal

Understand your business proposition – where you pivot your Unique Selling Point 

  • You might have a new business ideal, an established business, or even a multi-national business entity.
  • Successful Business is all about making a profit with financial gain, positioning, branding, and reputation.
  • Do you have a consumer-centric business goal and a vision that drove results?
  • Simply say that all the fancy name about the business goal and vision is a “Greater PROMISE” towards the consumer demands and needs.
  • The more you align to the promise the more successful for your business.

Cheap2 Plan

Plan it out with all the details you have

  • Planning lets you visualized and then make a good decision for the next forecasting.
  • The more details you have let you avoid reaching the dead end and making losses.
  • This also serves as the baseline for businesses to look back and operate.
  • A business without a plan will be disastrous.

Cheap2 Test out

Go out and Test Your Idea

  • Action speaks louder than words, while results validate your idea.
  • With all the great ideas in your mind, the only way to give a green light is to test sufficiently until it works.
  • Build up the test scenario as realistic as possible and post a video or 3D modeling on social media to get actual feedback.
  • You will never know what will come back but this is proven work 99%.

Cheap2 Scale

Execute and Scale Up Your Business

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